Web security fundamentals – session 3

Hands-on online-workshop: Acquire skills to protect your applications

Session 3 of 4 sessions. In this first session 3, we continue to analyze how attacks are performed with many concrete examples of how to fail and how to protect your applications.


You should have basic web development experience, including HTML, CSS and JavaScript. After the course, the participant can: After the course, the participant will have a thorough understanding of web security, capable of identifying and defending against common security threats such as XSS, CSRF, and SQL injections, ensuring robust protection for web applications.

Audience: This course targets developers on all platforms, including .NET, Java, and PHP.

Tore Nestenius is an independent software consultant and trainer based in Helsingborg, Sweden. For the last 10 years, he has been training developers all around the world in software architecture, web security, OpenID-connect, C#/.NET and domain-driven design.

Dates for session 4:

Session 4: Monday, December 2, 17-20

Direct link will be sent on the day of the course.

The course will not be recorded.

Language and materials are in English.


Start21. nov 2024 17:00
Slut21. nov 2024 20:00



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